Friday, March 16, 2012

The Night Before, Prelim, Round 2

OK! Well, I am slowly getting more comfortable with Illustrator. I am beginning to really enjoy doing the cartoon/tracing work, and this time, I have done a trace of a few zoo animals, and plan on coloring them different colors to decorate the newly added wallpaper border and the lamp that I've put in my nursery this week. 
 After I opened this in Photoshop, I began to play around with the textures a bit. I wanted a fabric look, but not too fabric-esque. After all, this is a lampshade and wallpaper.

I added some borders, top and bottom, and aligned the animals side by side. I added a few more fx textures in Photoshop.
So the Prelim Round 2, I have added a lamp(with a dim lighting effect), and covered the lampshade with the new animal design. I also added wallpaper border with the same animal design. I also added the 3d white airplane(still untextured), and moved the train artwork to above the lamp to get the full lighting effect of the lamp. Finally, I needed something to place the lamp on, so I created a night stand. Still planning on adding curtains, baby toys, and maybe a background for the window.


  1. Beautiful. Yes I would be loving this. Where would I began first, getting Illustrator software ? I think Photoshop is a different software right ? Love your blog crafting :)

  2. Beautiful. Yes I would be loving this. Where would I began first, getting Illustrator software ? I think Photoshop is a different software right ? Love your blog crafting :)
